Monday, December 1, 2008


Holy Jesus on a Christmas Tree. I flipped right out on Saturday night. I am a jealous, jealous girl. I forget that horrible part of myself and then when I see it again, wow, am I disappointed in me. Whew.

Aside from that, Thanksgiving was again lovely, despite the fact that I am one of those people who is adopted by others for the major holidays. I always bring something nice, you know, like wine and Whipped Sweet Potatoes with Sugar-Pecan Best Thing Ever on Top, but I would really rather be whirling my own dervish at home with lots of people over.
My first Turkey feast was at the home of Junior and his lovely wife Carissa. God love them, it was their first one in the new house, and they just LOVE the Christmas, you know, so it was like Santa and Jesus threw up in there from a night of Nogging, and it was a delightful mish-mash of folks who work at the bar with us, family, and children. Lots of fun, really, and my first time as a sommalier for an event. Now, before you say, "Woo! Who's the hoity-toity wine expertinado, all of a sudden?!", let me point out that I am in NO way qualified for the job. I am simply MORE qualified than anyone else who was going to it. (And let me take an aside while I thank The Benson for learning me about wines, y'all. ) So, being as most of them don't care for wine, nor care to learn about it, I brought an easy Riesling, a frugal Liebfraumilch, both very well recieved, and a somewhat pricey Pinot Noir that ended up coming home with me, unopened. Good dinner. Marshmallows on the yams, but I just ate around it. Also, bright, hearty pangs of jealousy as a side dish, since my very best friend in the whole world is dating a very nice girl who is way bigger than most of the girls he usually dates and it has, somehow, made me decide that I am in love with him. That's a fantastic holiday subplot, if I do say so myself.
Thanksgiving Again was at the home of my adoptive Escanaba family, which is getting smaller and smaller. Gus' mom, her roommate Rod, and their friend Tom. I can't go into great detail on a public blog that is read by innumerable twos of people, but we had a homegrown meal, and I'll leave it at that. The best conversations I ever have are there, and they were aplenty, and then I went home, fat, drunk, happy, full, and other. Good times.
The bar was GROSS busy on Friday, and I missed out on half the Ladies Night Funfest, but maybe that was for the best, after all. (wink wink) I had $145 in my pocket on the way out the door, which made up for about 1/3 of what I spent like a madwoman in Appleton, mostly here earlier that day. If the Redhead doesn't flip out over her present, then I don't really know her at all. Oh, and this is my favorite thing I purchased.
I love spending money. Hate this jealousy bit, but I'll get over it. Happy Days After Thanksgiving.

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