Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Great Big Community Service Initiative

L&G, may I have a drumroll, please?

Rllrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlllrlrlrlrrrlrlrllrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl (text approximation of the sound of a drumroll)!

Starting in January, Mix 106 is going to launch a new initiative, parterning with all of our local non-profs, lots of businesses, and every single person who lives in Delta County. It's called:

100 Hours of Hope

Here's how it works. We are asking every single resident of Delta County to give 100 hours of their time over the next year to the community. "Holy shit!" you say, "That's a lot of effing time!" Well, not really...it's less than 2 hours per week (1.923 hours, to be precise, which is just 115 or so minutes). You can count the time you spend grocery shopping as long as you donate a can or two of what you buy. You can count the time you spend cleaning your house as long as you donate some old thing to Goodwill or the Army or St. Vincenzo's Department Store. You can drive an old person to the store, rake a bit of someone else's yard, snowblow the whole block instead of just your piece of sidewalk, sort food at the pantry, walk a dog at the shelter, answer phones for a telethon, usher at the Bonifas, docent at the lighthouse, play cards at the old folks home, take out someone else's garbage or bring something to the dump for them...it all counts.
We will list on our website a TON of volunteering activities from all sorts of organizations. You call them and sign up, and we will give you a 100 Hours of Hope t-shirt. You don't HAVE to wear it, but if you do, everyone will see that you're doing your part and maybe be encouraged to do theirs, as well. Our website will have a blog area, where you can chat about your experiences, and then pick a volunteer of the month and an organization of the month for prizes, recognition, and whatnot. We will push the whole, 'more time than money' thing, too, so that people don't just try to buy their time, although we figure you can use minimum wage to calculate it, so that if you donate, say, $71.50 worth of stuff to the Salvation Army foodbank, you can call that 10 hours. You can also write letters, research online for ideas, or clip coupons for organizations to use up your time.

I am SO excited about this project. Maybe it's asking too much of people, but even if they TRY to participate...totally worth my time. Yay for digging in! :)

1 comment:

Ms. Fix said...

You should come to the rez one day so we can have a "business lunch" and talk about how my programs can help you with this initiative (especially since we have a Learn & Serve America grant...).