Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Between friends..

The title is misleading, really. What I mean to say is that between Stephanie's latest blog (My favorite redhead to the right there) and Charity's visit, I'm rethinking my choices. I have one class down and like, 13 to go before I am officially a nurse.
Do I still want to do it? Yes.
Do I still think it's the best idea? Yes.
Am I going to miss radio more than even I can imagine?


Yes, yes, yes.

Steph's comments about how great she felt while walking out of school on her last day really made me think. I don't think I will feel that way at all. I think I will cry, and hard. I LOVE my job and I still think I made the right decision when I switched OUT of nursing and INTO broadcasting 15 years ago. And while it feels just as right to switch back right now, I can't help but wish that things were different and I didn't feel this as such a necessity. I love being in school, but somewhere in there I wish it was a Masters Degree in Broadcast Arts as opposed to a certificate in Practical Nursing, you know?
And Charity said I'll have to find a way to do both. I believe she's right.